Mrs. Strong's
2nd grade
Given how this school year ended, we are working to support you and your students over the summer. Below is some insight from the third grade teachers and their perspectives on the most essential skills for a student entering their classrooms.
While these activities are not mandatory and we know everyone is ready for a break from school, we suggest building these activities into your summer routines.

Choose a month below to see the resources and suggested assignments available to you this summer.
Third grade Math teachers recommend that students entering their class are prepared to:
Add and subtract fluently (not necessarily double digit)
Understand flexibility in grouping numbers (which will help with multiplication and division)
The resources below can be implemented at home to support the Math goals set by our 3rd Grade teachers:
IXL Mathematics--This resource was used in 2nd grade and will be again in 3rd. Teachers suggest 30 minutes/day. Use the Diagnostic tab 30 minutes/week to see your child's area of need. IXL allows students to work on the areas they choose or work on skills in which they need improvement.
Khan Academy--Interested in additional practice? Video lessons? Khan Academy allows students to work through topics with modeling from expert mathematicians.
Second Grade Number Talks--This resource includes instructions for classroom use, but can be easily transformed into flashcards for at-home use
Building Conceptual Understanding & Fluency--This resource has dozens of math games that do not require the use of a computer; bring them on the road, use them as a break from screen-time, or use them to supplement online learning resources
Helpful Math Websites from DPI--Here is a list of websites suggested by the state's department of education team.
Third grade ELA teachers recommend that students entering their class are prepared to:
Read silently
The resources below can be implemented at home to support the ELA goals set by our 3rd Grade teachers:
Capitalization & Punctuation
Check out the resources below to support your child with grammar and editing this summer. Feel like your child may struggle with this skill? Try these suggested websites from Scholastic.

Make Connections
Use the anchor charts and question stems below to help your child connect and respond to their reading. Feel like your child may struggle in this area? Encourage your child to respond to their daily reading. They can create a journal, share their connection with you, or send a message to a teacher.

Writing Stories
Use the anchor charts below to support your child in writing at home. Feel like this area might be a struggle for your child? Practice writing at home using one of these prompts.

Retelling Stories
Use the anchor charts to support your child in retelling stories at home. Feel like this skill may cause your student to struggle? Take time to discuss what your child has read each day or record a video of your child's retelling to share with a friend or teacher.

Choosing "Just-Right" Reading Material
Your child will have difficulty reading independently if their choice of reading material is not "just right." Use the anchor chart below or choose text based on your student's Lexile level----their "just right" number.
Using Lexile Levels
Ask your child's teacher for their Lexile level.
Search for texts using the "Find a Book" resource and search by Lexile.
Use these resources and adjust your child's reading level based on their Lexile number:

Reading Comprehension
Use the anchor charts below to support your child with main idea and comprehension. Feel like this area may be a struggle for your child? Practice using the ELA resources on Khan Academy. Read one article from Newsela or ReadWorks each week and complete RUNNERS before, during, and after reading.