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Mrs. Strong's
2nd grade
On a regular school day, your child spends approximately 15-20 minutes in whole-group instruction, with five 15-minute reading centers: comprehension, vocabulary, phonics, fluency, and a teacher small-group.
Our ELA block is approximately 1.5 hours long.
Interested in looking into our standards? Check them out, here.
We have a few resources for your child to access grade-level and other texts online:
Epic Books--Your child can read independently or access assigned books through Epic. Join our class by visiting the website, clicking "Students & Educators," and using the class code PXE1102
Every student was invited by parent email to free remote access to this resource until the end of the school year. If you need this email resent, please message Mrs. Strong.
Mrs. Strong is able to see what and how long students read using this resource.
READING A-TO-Z--Your child can read independently on RAZ Kids. Students can access this resource by visiting the website, typing in their teacher's username, and clicking on their name.
Your teacher's username is canastrong
Mrs. Strong is able to see what and how long students read using this resource.
newsela--Your child can read independently or access assigned reading on Newsela. Join our class by visiting the website, clicking "Join Now," selecting "I'm a Student," and using the class code TA2PBE
Mrs. Strong is able to see what and how long students read using this resource. She is also able to see each student's quiz results.
STORYLINE ONLINE--This free resource allows students to watch and/or listen to grade-level stories read by famous actors/actresses.
Access this resource, here.
AUDIBLE STORIES--This free resource allows students to listen to audiobooks from a variety of devices. Looking for a break from screen time? Keep your student reading without staring at a phone, tablet, or computer.
Access this resource, here.
SCHOLASTIC --We use weekly readers and other resources from Scholastic in our classroom. Access these resources at home using your digital devices.
Use the password tripdrink488 to read online.
Access this resource, here.
TIME FOR KIDS --TIME for Kids is offering free access to their reading materials onlne. Access these resources at home using your digital devices.
Access this resource, here.
RUNNERS is a strategy used at STARS to help students Grade 3+ read, analyze, and answer questions about complex text. When your student is assigned to complete RUNNERS on Newsela, they can either use the annotation feature on Newsela or (if possible) print the article and physically annotate.
Please refer to the video and anchor charts below to support your student with this strategy:

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