Mrs. Strong's
2nd grade
Our students use a wide variety of technological tools in Mr. Seawell's class.
Try these resources at home:
Visual Art
Please see Ms. Hill's suggested activities on her classroom website: https://starscharter.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=893845&type=u
Theatre & Music
Our students are preparing to perform Pirates Past Noon and have been practicing often in specials.
Here is a video of the play our students will be performing, if they would like to practice the dances Ms. Jones has taught them and sing the songs they have worked on with Ms. Lee and Mr. Daubenspeck.
Second graders are singing the following songs:
Pirates Putting on a Play Reprise
Please see Ms. Lee's Suggested activities on her classroom website: https://starscharter.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1070174&type=u&termREC_ID=&pREC_ID=804996
Suggestions from Ms. Lick:
If your student has a script, please spend 10 mins each day reviewing songs and lines. Mrs. Jones is working on posting videos of dances on her YouTube page so students can review if they would like.
Other ideas to help prepare:
Watch Peter Pan! It's a great musical with lots of pirate characters.
Play charades as a family.
Make a puppet and use it to tell a new or old story.
Make a mask and act out a story.
A great at-home resource for a rainy day or being otherwise cooped-up indoors, GoNoodle helps kids get moving by activating different parts of their brains and bodies. Either create an account, here, or check out their YouTube page.
Another great resource to get your child's body and mind working together is Cosmic Kids Yoga, which helps develop balance, strength, and mindfulness.
Here are some at-home exercises your students can do.
Some suggested activities from Ms. Jones:
Please practice the following videos on Youtube:
"STARS Charter Pirates Putting on a Play " 1st-3rd Choreo & Lyrics
"STARS Charter GOLD-GOLD-GOLD" 2nd graders
"STARS Charter A Little Party Never Killed Nobody" (For Cheers to 20 years)
Listen to "Pirates Past Noon" Songs
Check out Ms. Jones' videos on the STARS Facebook page or on her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK6nU2DKgPqeegMZ-GhHHBQ