Did she say outer space? Like SPACE-space? Yes!
Today, we are exploring the cosmos, and I could hardly wait to share some of these resources with you!

We are going to be using virtual and augmented reality to explore space! Let's start with some videos that take you on a 360 degree tour of space and the structures humans have built within it.
These videos are made using virtual reality technology, meaning they help you watch videos that let you look all the way around, just like you are able to do in real life:
Now, let's try to use some augmented reality. Augmented reality technology allows people to change the way their reality "looks" by using technology to make a picture or video overlay real life. If you have every played Pokemon Go, it used augmented reality to make all of the Pokemon appear as if they are right in from of you.
You can use augmented reality to do the work of a NASA scientist, right from your own living room!
Spacecraft AR (Requires Free Download)
Explore the Planets in AR
Using a smartphone, search any of the terms below in your web browser, followed by "3D". You should see the option to "View in 3D"
If you don't have a smartphone, click on the links below to see the AR models built by NASA.

If you do not want to download the Spacecraft AR app, you can explore the model of these vessels by clicking below:

Interview with an Astronaut
Here are some other resources you might be interested in exploring:
Interested in learning more? Check out these articles from Newsela: